These documents have been prepared by Jacqueline Bhabha and Mike Dottridge as part of a consultative process of a large number of experts from UN agencies, academics, donor agencies and civil society organisations.


Amongst others, the following agencies participated in the drafting and/or are engaged in the advocacy work around these principles such as the dedicated meeting on these “Principles” at the Human Rights Council in June 2016: UNHCR, OHCHR, UNICEF, IOM, Caritas Internationalis, World Organization for early Childhood Education (OMEP), Destination Unknown Campaign, International Detention Coalition, International Social Service, NGO Committee on Migration, International Catholic Migration Committee (ICMC), PICUM, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes, Geomoun, Kopin, Defence for Children International (DCI), Kids empowerment, The Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW).


Write to comprinciples@gmail.com for your organization to be named above.


This is not a sign off document but a common and non-branded tool.